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SimplBooks 2023 year in review

2023 was a year full of excitement, innovation and a number of diverse changes. At the start of the new year, we took a look back at the past year and recorded the most exciting statistics and developments.

A growing community

This year, as many as 3,764 new users joined SimplBooks. Along with the new subscribers, SimplBooks has reached more than 23,000 users as of the year 2023!


Continuous upgrading

In 2023, we have completed a total of 51 software updates, each of which included a number of both minor and major improvements.

The most significant development has been the ongoing development and release of a new user interface (UI). We started to update the user interface almost 2 years ago, with the aim of making the current user experience much simpler and more intuitive. We have now reached the finishing line and the first version has officially been released.

In addition, we introduced a brand new website and a new MINI plan for creating invoices. Other noteworthy developments included the setting up of periodic invoicing, bulk invoicing and automatic import of documents.

The MINI plan was designed for companies that want to create and send quotations and sales invoices (including e-invoices). Purchase invoice and accounting management is not a part of this plan. Read more about the different plans HERE!


The most popular date

Understandably, the 20th of each month is the most popular date – on this day, the platform has the most users online at once. The record was set on the 20th of November at 14:50, when 337 users were online at the same time.



Last year, 28,668 e-invoices were sent out from SimplBooks! It’s good to see that the volume of e-invoices is growing year by year, thus reducing the number of paper and PDF invoices being sent. Moreover, sending e-invoices in SimplBooks is still unlimited and free of charge! Read more about sending e-invoices HERE!


New members of the SimplBooks team

In 2023, SimplBooks welcomed 4 new specialists to the development team, bringing with them fresh ideas and expertise.
We were joined by 3 new developers, Jesper, Jan and Kerdo, along with software tester Mihkel. At the same time, our tester Reimond went to gain more wisdom  and experience in Australia, while our longest-serving developer, Karoliina, went on maternity leave with the newest member of the family.


Time saved with interfaces

Last year, a staggering 1,275,000 minutes, or 21,250 hours, were saved by using bank interfaces, which translates into 2,656 full working days saved.

Yes, this incredibly high number shows us how accounting automation saves us a huge amount of valuable time.


Last but not least, SimplBooks was awarded the Gazelle Company certificate and the Strongest in Estonia certificate.

Gazelles are companies that have grown their turnover and profits by more than 50% in 3 years, created new jobs and embody the essential characteristics of a fast-growing company – flexibility, swiftness and courage. Only less than 1% of Estonian companies are gazelles.

The Strongest in Estonia certificate is issued by the credit information company, Creditinfo Eesti AS. Creditinfo rating is a summary grade given to a company based on its economic and financial situation and payment behaviour. SimplBooks has a current credit rating of AA, or very good, for 5 years in a row. This is a great achievement for us, as only 7.1% of Estonian companies have a very good AA rating. Read more about our journey to becoming a successful Estonian business.

Thank you for being part of our growth! This year’s goal is to continue to make your accounting more efficient and automated.

Do you have a story or an experience about using SimplBooks in 2023? Share it with us in the comments or send an email to!

ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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